Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

Profile 2

   As a holding company of several companies that join in a joint effort with the scope of work includes:
  • Trading Company
  • Trucking
  • Shipping Line
  • Ships Broker
  • Vessel Charter
  • Forwarding
  • Ekspedisi

  The company is appointed and is entitled to make employment contracts with third parties on behalf of and for the next run by members of the group of companies related to the type of business.

   Domestic and international business management is inseparable from the Holding Company. 


Company Profile


Penjualan Produk Jumbo Bag

      Selain Produk Pallet kami juga menyediakan/menjual produk berupa Jumbo Bag dengan produk detail sebagai berikut :

Deskripsi              Type                 Unit Price            Kondisi
Jumbo Bag          Grade A              Rp. 40.000          Good ( Tanpa Merk )
Jumbo Bag          Grade B              Rp. 34.000          Good ( Tanpa Merk )

Detail Produk :
Jumbo Bag ( Bekas )
Bahan : Polypropelin
Kapasitas Muat @ 1 Ton

Catatan :
  1. Harga adalah Prangko Gudang Tangerang Area
  2. Pembayaran dilakukan dengan sistem COD ( Cash On Delivery )
  3. Hal-hal lain dapat dibicarakan lebih lanjut
  4. Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim
  5. Harga Sewaktu-waktu dapat berubah
PIC : 

Gusti Candra , 081299233868
Harita Yanti   , 081316114033, 08119797266  
Naya                , 082114144568